Releasing trauma through sound therapy

A sound therapist treating her chronic pain with sound therapy through drumming

A Personal Connection to Sound Healing

My journey with sound therapy has been deeply personal, as well as experiential.

After suffering from chronic pain for 13 years, my shamanic drum unintentionally became the antidote to my pain.

I’d wake up in agony, but after just 10 minutes of drumming, I’d receive the medicine I needed to function and get on with my day.

Not only did the drum recalibrate my body during those excruciating times, but she also taught me about myself and supported me in releasing trauma that had been stuck in my body for decades.

A sound therapist treating a client with tibetan singing bowls and chimes during a sound therapy session to help relieve chronic pain

A chance encounter with a gong bath made me realise the deep connection I felt with sound healing.

While I've undergone formal training and am a qualified sound therapist, my most profound lessons in sound therapy came from my personal healing journey. Instead of relying solely on textbooks or teachings, I deeply tuned into the sounds and their resonance within me.

Each sound, each vibration, helped me heal and understand myself a bit more. After years in charity communications, I felt a pull to help others in a different, more personal way.


But how can sound therapy support you in releasing trauma?

  • Every cell in our body vibrates. Traumatic experiences can disrupt this natural rhythm, leading to physical and emotional imbalances. Sound therapy introduces specific vibrations that resonate with the body's cells, helping realign and restore their natural frequencies. This cellular-level healing can release stored trauma and alleviate associated pain, anxiety and depression

  • The soothing tones produced in sound therapy, whether from Tibetan bowls, gongs, or other instruments, induce a state of deep relaxation. This relaxation response can counteract the stress and tension often associated with trauma, giving the body and mind a chance to heal.

  • Sound therapy can influence our brainwaves, guiding them from a state of alertness (beta) to more meditative (alpha) or even deeply restorative (theta) states. These altered states of consciousness can facilitate the processing and release of traumatic memories without re-traumatisation.

  • Traumatic events or suppressed emotions can become trapped in our bodies, manifesting as chronic pain, anxiety, or other health issues. Sound therapy offers a safe space to confront and let go of these feelings.

  • Trauma often leads to disconnection from one's body. The immersive experience of sound therapy fosters a heightened sense of body awareness, helping individuals reconnect with themselves and recognise areas of tension or pain

  • Group sound therapy sessions can foster a sense of community and belonging, crucial for those feeling isolated due to their traumatic experiences

A chakra set of Tibetan singing bowls in nature

Your Path to Healing

By addressing trauma from a holistic perspective, encompassing mind, body, and spirit, sound therapy paves the way for deep healing.


 I invite you to discover the positive impact vibrational medicine can have on your wellbeing, either through 1-1 sound therapy sessions or group sound baths.

If you’d like to find out more about sound therapy, please get in touch for a free 20 minute discovery call.


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